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Austin Name Change Lawyer

It would be naive to say that people are never judged by their name. Frankly, your name is one of the first impressions you make, often preceding even your in-person impression. However, it’s not really our concern as to whether you’re seeking a name change because you don’t like it, or for a more conventional reason like marriage. It’s your name and the decision to change it is all yours. Of course, you will need the approval of the courts to make it legal. That’s where a name change lawyer can help.

As your legal representative, it’s our job to help you proceed with the process in accordance to the law and ensure that your change of name is recognized by all government, financial and legal establishments.

Why do people commonly change their name?

I don’t like it – You didn’t pick your name, so you might not like it. Changing your name is your prerogative.

I got married – This can work both ways—a woman might want take her husband’s name, or a husband may assume hers. There’s even a third option that involves combining both spouse’s surnames to make a new, original name.

I’m not married anymore – After a divorce, the person who has changed their name may wish to change it back.

I’m adopted – An adopted child may wish to take the surname of their adoptive family.

You name it – There are plenty of other reasons—including names that aim to make a political statement, or names that bear ethnic or religious meaning—for why people may wish to change their name.

Name Change in Texas – Evans Family Law Group

Evans Family Law Group has been practicing Family Law in Texas for over 17 years. Our attorneys are experienced in all the sub-specialties of family law, including the legal changing of ones name after a divorce or for any other reason. The process starts by submitting a petition for name change to the courts, and then we guide you through all the remaining steps, ensuring the legality of your name change.

Contact our Austin Law Office today and find out how to legally change your name.

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